
ICAB Force software

ICAB extensions

ICAB - version française

Welcome to ICAB ICAB Extensions


Standardized design of steel/wood frames

Construction and framework design

ICAB Force/CM, Force/CM+ add extended computations in order to provide the user with standardized failure criteria.

Failure criteria for steel frames ICAB Force/CM computes failure criteria based on CM66 standard:

traction/compression stress,
shear stress,
Von Mises criterion,
elastic instabilities including buckling, discharging,

Failure criteria for wood frames

ICAB Force/CM computes failure criteria based on CB71 standards:

axial and flecion stress,
Tsai-Wu criterion, which can be considered as a generalized Von Mises criterion for orthotropic materials wich admission stress depends on direction and orientation.


ICAB Force/CM+ Optimization

ICAB Force/CM+ optimizes structures by finding the best profiles at the lower cost.

After optimization, the user obtains the new proposed structure and the reduction or increase of cost.

The search for the replacement of profiles sweep the standard library of profiles or a user-defined library.

ICAB Force/CM and ICAB Force/CM+ are extensions of ICAB Force.


ICAB Force/Dyn

Analysis of vibration/buckling modes

Generalized buckling

The analysis of elastic instabilities based on standards are not satisfactory for complex structures. The generalized
buckling method extracts buckling mode shapes and critical amplifications of loads.

Dynamic modal analysis

The dynamic modal analysis extract vibration mode shapes and eigen frequencies.
This analisys can be performed on pre-stressed structure.

Non-linear analysis for large displacements

Computation of displacements is performed with incremental steps and iterative increments with updated geometry for the analysis of large displaments.


ICAB Dyn is an extension of ICAB Force.


ICAB Climate NV

Automatic Climatic loads

Steel framework

ICAB Climate/NV creates climatic load due to snow and wind on
buildings and effect of wind on open framework.


Buildings and climatic load are generated based on:
dimensions (hight of poles, slope of roof, distance between poles...)
climatic regions.
The building is automatically created and may be modified to introduce additional parts and loads.

Effect of wind

The function "wind on frames" creates the load of wind on the structure with the drag and drift components,
these loads are applied on all beams according to their shape (rounded, rectangular, I, H, U, T, L...) the wind may have any direction and any speed (Vx, Vy, Vz).
This functions is particularly suited for frames such as aerials, foot-bridges...

Snow/Wind NV65 N84

Climatic loads are generated on the whole structure for palar or 3D buildings.
Loads take into account multiple slopes of roofs and accumulating snow areas.
Wind is applied on all sides (north, south, west, east), taking into account the effect of opening in frontages, the flow of wind below the building, the hight of the building, local effects (eaves, over-head fronts) additional load on floors are included.
combinations of loads are automatically created.


ICAB Climate/NV is an extension of ICAB Force.


ICAB Surface

Finite Element Shells

ICAB Surface adds functions to ICAB Force.

Finite Elements

triangular or quadrangular "plate" and "shells".


Automatic Mesh

generation of shells mixed with beams.


Concentrated formes and torques.
imposed displacement in translation or rotation.
distributed forces
gravitational acceleration,
thermal expansion,
Automatic generation on the mesh with parametric function depending on the location of the load.

ICAB Composite

ICAB Composite introduces multi-layer sandwich/composite shells


ICAB Assemblage

Assemblage beam-column

Assemblage column on ground

Assemblage design in steel construction.