ICAB Force performs the static analysis of any structure assembled with beams, truss,
elastic link, rigid bars.
ICAB Force is particularly suited for the design of metallic constructions.
ICAB Force has been tested according to standard examples published by the AFNOR (French
Organisation of Standards).
These examples are supplied to the user for his own practice.
Forces and moments,
Uniform or triangular distributed loads along edges of the structure or parallel to
user-defined directions,
Imposed translational or rotational displacement,
Gravitational acceleration,
Centrifugal forces generated by rotational speed,
Thermal expansion due to the elevation of ambient
temperature or due to a non-uniform temperature on each node,
Multiple load cases that allows several analyses on the same structure.
Punctual mass with matrix of inertia,
Spring, elastic rod or truss,
Long beam (Kirchhoff's theory) or short beam (Timoshenko's theory),
Bushing (elastic pad) with translational and rotational stiffness
Generalized stiffness between two degrees of freedom.
Rigid bars, rigid bodies,
Coupling between displacements,
MPC (Multi Point Constraint) i.e. equation between several displacements.
Translational and rotational displacement,
Reaction forces et moments,
Traction/compression forces, shear forces, bending moments,
Strain energy,
The costs of the structure is indicated:
total cost,
cost by type of cross-section or element,
cost of each element.
The cost of an element is divided into a fixed cost and a variable cost (proportional to
its length or volume).
ICAB Force works on any computer which supports Windows 3.1, Windows 95 or Windows NT.
You design Finite Element models entirely on the screen. With the mouse and/or dialogue menus, you define:
elements, namely beams, elastic rod, rigid bars, springs,
bushings (elastic support), masses,
boundary conditions and loads,
materials and physical properties,
options of the simulations.
You create, modify or select nodes, elements, loads and boundary conditions with the
Interactive input
you define specifications of materials and physical properties with dialogue boxes.
Properties can be directly imported from a library. You can add your own data into a
library. Data are supplied and
tested only once. You eliminate errors of coding and you load data quickly.
Everything you are creating or changing are immediately displayed. You perform
real-time checking.
You can move, zoom, rotate all or part of the structure. You can manage parts of the
structure with using layers
(the same way you do in CAD software such as AutoCAD).
dimensions displayed on the structure with automatic update when nodes are moved
marks and reference can be inserted on plots on user choice.
marks and reference can be inserted anywhere on plots.
fonts can be selected by user.
use of local reference systems (cartesian, cylindrical, spherical) or reference systems
attached to nodes/elements.
automatic welding/merging between nodes and beams. copy/move operations with translation,
rotation, symmetries.
ICAB View can view all or part of nodal and/or frame Finite Elements (wire or shaded
check that your model is correct.
go through results of numerical simulation.
ICAB View provides the user with numerical values associated with graphical representation of distributed loads on the structure, external forces and moments, imposed displacement, numbers and names of nodes and/or elements, types of elements (mass, spring, elastic rod, rigid bar, beams, bushing) with local reference systems.
ICAB View displays on the structure:
displacement, deflection,
reaction forces and moments,
traction and compression forces,
shear forces, bending moments,
stresses ( , , Mises, Tsai-Wu), failure/fracture criteria,
strain energy, mass, cost.
Colored or grayed areas display contours.
ICAB View provides you with:
extreme values of translational/rotational displacement,
reaction forces/moments, resultant stress, failure criteria... (i.e. any result) for all
or part of the structure,
numerical results on any node or element selected with the mouse.
marks ans notes can be included on plot anywhere in the structure, at a node or element
location to comment results.
automatic dimensions.
All graphs you can see on the screen can be printed by one the thousands of printers
supported by Windows.
The size of graphs can be user-defined.
You can also use the "hardcopy" function and/or insert the image on the screen
on any Windows word processor
(including "Write" delivered with every Windows package).
Your reports are easily illustrated without manual copy/paste operations.
Create Finite Element Projects which are data base importing and exporting data to all
ICAB applications.
The uniqueness of data base grants the user the integrity of data.
The IGA format IGA, développed by ICAB from the IGES standard, extends the
possibilities of the IGES format for the Finite Element entities.
Parameters and directives which conform the C programming language make changes in models
very quick and powerful.
A new model can be assembled from several sub-models which have been already tested.
DXF for AutoCAD or any compatible CAD software.
IGES format for Finite Elements or Drawing entities.
The UNIVERSAL format dedicated to exchanges of Finite Element models and results used by
Supertab and IDEAS software developed by SDRC.
ICAB projects can describe all structural models for static, dynamic, thermal analysis
with 1D, 2D, 3D elements and with nodal, distributed, volumic loads.
ICAB Edit shows results in files which let you analyze results.
Results can be selected by type of information (i.e. reaction force only) and/or by group
nodes or elements (i.e. elements having the same properties, layer...).
min/max values are gathered step by step or for the all steps of computation (enveloppe
resulting notes can be printed directly, edited on any word processor or spreadsheet.